Safeguarding Your Employees and Apprentices

Employers have a moral and legislative based duty of care for their employees’ wellbeing, health, and physical safety within the workplace.

There are a range of significant risks for employers without robust safeguarding arrangements and wellbeing policies. These can include high rates of sickness absence, employee stress, poor mental health, physical and emotional harm, discrimination, and presenteeism-whereby employees are working whilst unwell, and therefore unlikely to perform to their full ability.

The biggest risk to an employer is a when a serious safeguarding incident results in significant harm to an employee or customer and can even result in the loss of life. The impact on organisational reputation is of grave concern, as potential recruits, customers and industry peers may see the business as an undesirable or unsafe place to work.

Employers may also be subject to Inspections that a business may not recover from if they are deemed as inadequate.

By implementing a best practice safeguarding framework alongside a Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy, it helps to create a wraparound umbrella of support, and an inclusive culture that promotes safer working environments for employees to thrive in.

Happy, healthy, and motivated employees really are the driver behind a successful business or organisation. When people are feeling their best, they really do thrive and when a business invests in their employees’ safety and wellbeing, it produces real results.

RLB works with corporate organisation’s operational and strategic leaders to understand the company's current capacity to respond to mental health and wellbeing issues, safeguarding crisis situations, and uses a reality-based approach to apply bespoke governance and robust policies and procedures that aim to protect colleagues.

RLB strives to ensure that our services are the least impactful on the day-to-day business duties, but the most impactful upon building a safe and inclusive workplace culture that supports mental health first aid style governance and promotes overall workplace safety. RLB supports you in to ensure how to respond in crisis and how to prevent crisis by implementing a culture of vigilance for all.


Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2023 (Proposed changes and updates)


Why build a culture of safety in the workplace?